
Fundraising is a crutial part of many organizations and teams.  Sweet Infusion Honey combines natural, beautiful and delicious honey with a simple and flexible fundraising program that gives back 30% of total sales.  Lets be real, consumable products are the way to go. People love and connect with food.  Why not offer the only food that will not go bad, and can be used for both food and beverage.  Our local honey has the extra punch of unique flavour to make it different than other honey companies. Use our delicious flavoured honey to make money for your group!


As of November 2024 local schools, sports teams, dance teams, Animal charities, and other groups have raised over $10,000.00 for their important programs. 

We feel so blessed to be able to help generate funds for these organizations, provide a high quality, locally sourced and produced, usable, delight to the senses while keeping as many funds within our community as possible.  If you or someone you know is looking for a fundraiser that is easy to organize, and quality product, feel free to share the Sweet Infusion Honey Fundraising Program

Flavoured Honey Fundraising

Supporting Local

  • Locally sourced honey
  • Produced by local family
  • Helping local groups and teams bring in funds
  • make a full 30% of all sales

Unique Product

  • consumable products have higher sales
  • our honey is delicious and unique
  • even people who do not like traditional honey can enjoy

Simple Ordering

  • Always in contact with the company owner
  • simple order form
  • flexible program can adjust to your group needs

Try before they buy

  • Free set of samples
  • Sellers or even customers can try all of the flavours before they buy
  • Variety of jar sizes and gift/sample sets are available

Contact us to get started